Starting Here

2024/03/22 | 166 words | 1 minute

Some days ago, I setup this blog website with hugo and tailwindcss. And all code is written from scratch.

1. Why build it myself?

There’s only one reason: to have full control over all the content, unaffected by any platform, solely based on personal preferences. It only requires a bit of hands-on capability. And you can DIY your own system too.

2. Why start blogging?

My thoughts have always been somewhat scattered, and I wanted to use writing as a means to record and organize them, while also documenting some content that might be reused in the future for my own reference. Of course, if this content happens to be useful to you as well, that would be better.

3. What kind of content is there?

90% of the articles are technical, covering tools, programming languages, engineering practices, environment setup, etc. They mainly consist of learning summaries, with a small amount of technical thinking.

4. Who is it suitable for?

Programmers, whether beginners or seasoned professionals.
